our staff…

Pastor Noah La Coursiere

Noah La Coursiere loves Jesus. He has served The Lord and The Church for over 15 years as a pastor and as an evangelist.

All awhile, his faithful and loving bride, Julie, has been by his side for the adventure and together, they have seen many lives saved and changed by the power of The Gospel.

By God's grace, they have been blessed with 6 precious gifts: Elijah Sky, Eden Grace, Ezra Ryan, Everleigh Joy, Easton Lee, and Esther Hope.

Noah considers it a tremendous joy & privilege to now serve alongside of his brothers & sisters in Christ at Bethlehem -- as they together endeavor to make MUCH of Jesus & to share His Gospel with many. Noah's sincere prayer is that The Lord will use him to clearly communicate The Gospel of Jesus Christ and to relate it in such a way, that those impacted by His ministry will get a clear glimpse heaven and the glory of Jesus.

Peggy Nuckolls

Director of Music Ministries

I have been singing for the Lord since I was five years old through church musicals, worship services and music ministries.  I went to college to become a music educator when I joined the Wesley Foundation and became a Worship Leader of the music. 

I realized the "theater" life was not for me and that I was being called into a different direction with the musical talent God had given me.  My Dad always said "remember who you are" every time we parted ways while in college and this weighed heavy on my mind as I traveled my journey to find "who I was" through Jesus Christ. 

Once I found the Wesley Foundation my first year in college I knew God wanted me to use the talents he gave me to help lead His people in Worship.  Once I graduated from ASU with a degree in Family and Consumer Education and a minor in music I went back to singing in my home church with my new husband who still sings with me today at Bethlehem.  God gave me strength to leave my home church and travel to Bethlehem where I found a new home in Christ as I responded to his call to Worship. 

My hope is that the music I lead and sing brings others closer to Christ and that together we can make a joyful sound.
I Sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord. - Psalm 27:6

our vision…

We want to see our world fully alive in Christ!

— & we also really wanna see Him do something awesome in Davie County :)

We simply exist to be and to make Gospel-centered, Christ exalting disciples that will transform our community and our world by The Power of The Gospel !

—that’s our mission.

May His will be done in Davie County as it is in Heaven!

our vow…

is to share The Love of Jesus Christ & His Glorious Gospel with as many precious souls as possible in Davie County & beyond!

— that’s what we’re committed to giving our lives to!!!!!